
to thrive

We help empower women in Nepal who have experienced violence or abuse to rebuild their lives.

the samunnat project

Samunnat Nepal, based in Birtamod in eastern Nepal, became a registered Nepali NGO in 2007. It works to empower women who have experienced violence or abuse so that they have greater control of their lives. It provides women with material support, counselling, accommodation, legal representation, income generation training, mentoring and human rights information. It also has a microfinance organisation, Jalkanya Krishi Cooperative, providing small loans to build financial independence. Samunnat’s programs are mostly funded by the sale of jewellery made by women in its polymer jewellery program.

Samunnat Inc, based in Australia, partners with Samunnat Nepal . It exists to support and to raise funds for the Nepali organisation. In particular, it sells and distributes jewellery made by the Samunnat women; purchases and provides materials not available in Nepal; liaises with international partners; and raises additional funds. It is a sounding board and a resource for ideas. Its members spend regular time helping to build capacity in Nepal. Several international individuals and communities contribute to this project. From 2024, Samunnat is also receiving generous support from the J.C. Freeman Trust.

People involved in Samunnat believe that sustained change occurs when women drive their own development. Partnerships should be long term and respect local knowledge and expertise. This partnership with Samunnat Nepal dates from the organisation’s earliest days.

Our values are

  • Collaboration

  • Consultation

  • Compassion

  • Clear, open communication

Samunnat Nepal has built a great home, with space for work, training, accommodation, office and shops

Here’s a great new way that you can help the work of Samunnat

You can host a Pop Up Shop!

Go HERE to read about how you can hold an event in Australia to sell Samunnat jewellery. Make it fun!

For information about other ways to help see our FAQ page.


…and if you’re not buying our wonderful jewellery you are very welcome to donate. Samunnat Nepal welcomes untied donations, unless the Board has requested for a specific purpose.


All donations in Australia over $2 are tax deductible